White Label Domain Pointing Instructions
If you have a White Label account with us, you have an option of using your own domains for your control panel and all sites on your account.
If you decide to use your own domain(s), you would need to point these domains to our IP address.
(Please note that your Control Panel and Mobile domains cannot be the same!)
1. How to point a Control Panel domain.
a) Decide what domain you want to use for your Control Panel. We recommend that you use a sub-domain of your main website. If your main website is on YourCompany.com, the subdomain would be admin.YourCompany.com or mbuilder.YourCompany.com.
b) Point the domain / sub-domain to IP address in your domain’s DNS manager.
Here are the instructions on how to do this on GoDaddy:
2. How to point your Sites domain
The "Sites" domain determines the initial address of sites created in your account (before you point a custom domain to the site). If your Sites domain is MyDomain.com, and you create a website for Joe's Pizza, you can set it up at JoesPizza.MyDomain.com. Later you may point a custom domain (joespizza.com), however you may not want to point that custom domain while the site is in development.
To points your Sites domain:
a) Find and purchase a domain on GoDaddy or your preferred domain registrar service. Ideally, the Sites domain should be short (it can be .com, .net or any other extension).
b) In the domain registrar account, find the DNS manager for the mobile domain, and point the primary A record to IP address
c) In the same DNS manager, create a new A record with a Host value of * (the “star” key), and also point it to .
Here are the instructions on how to do this on GoDaddy: